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List of Reptiles


Reptiles are a diverse group of cold-blooded vertebrate animals that include turtles, snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and alligators. They are found in a wide range of habitats across the globe, from tropical rainforests to deserts and even in the oceans.

One of the defining characteristics of reptiles is their ability to regulate their body temperature through external heat sources. They are ectothermic, which means their body temperature fluctuates with the temperature of their environment. Reptiles have scales or scutes covering their bodies, which provide protection and help reduce water loss.

Reptiles lay amniotic eggs, which are surrounded by a protective shell. This adaptation allows them to reproduce on land, unlike amphibians whose eggs require water. Some reptiles give live birth, but this is relatively rare compared to egg-laying species.

Reptiles have a variety of feeding habits. Some are herbivores, feeding on plants and vegetation, while others are carnivores, preying on other animals. Some reptiles, like turtles, have a more omnivorous diet, consuming both plant matter and small prey.

Many reptiles have specialized adaptations for survival. For example, snakes have elongated bodies and flexible jaws to consume large prey, while chameleons have the ability to change color for camouflage. Reptiles also have various defense mechanisms, such as venomous bites, hissing, or puffing up their bodies to appear larger.

Reptiles play important roles in ecosystems. They help control populations of insects and other small animals, and they also serve as prey for larger predators. Some reptiles, like sea turtles, are keystone species, influencing the health and balance of marine ecosystems.

It's worth noting that reptiles are often misunderstood and feared. While some species can be dangerous, the majority of reptiles are harmless and play vital roles in maintaining ecological balance. It's important to appreciate and conserve these fascinating creatures and their habitats.


Agama Lizard
Aldabra Giant Tortoise
Amazon Tree Boa
American Alligator
Anole Lizard
Arabian Cobra
Argentine Black and White Tegu
Arizona Black Rattlesnake
Armadillo Lizard
Aruba Rattlesnake
Asian Vine Snake
Asian Water Monitor
Australian Gecko
Axanthic Ball Python
Baird’s Rat Snake
Ball Python
Banana Ball Python
Banded Water Snake
Basilisk Lizard
Bearded Dragon
Beauty rat snake
Black Mamba
Black Pastel Ball Python
Black Rat Snake
Black Throat Monitor
Black-headed python
Blind Snake
Blood Python
Blue Belly Lizard
Blue Iguana
Bolivian Anaconda
Box Turtle
Brahminy Blindsnake
Brookesia Micra
Brown Water Snake
Burmese Python
Bush Viper
Bushmaster Snake
Caiman Lizard
Carpet Python
Carpet Viper
Cat Snake
Central Ranges Taipan
Children’s python
Chinese Alligator
Cinnamon Ball Python
Coachwhip Snake
Collett’s Snake
Common European Adder
Coral Snake
Corn Snake
Crested Gecko
Crocodile Monitor
Cuban Boa
Death Adder
Desert Kingsnake
Desert Tortoise
Draco Volans Lizard
Dumeril’s Boa
Dwarf Boa
Dwarf Crocodile
Earless Monitor Lizard
Eastern Coral Snake
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
Eastern Fence Lizard
Eastern Glass Lizard
Eastern Indigo Snake
Eastern Racer
Eastern Rat Snake
Egyptian Cobra (Egyptian Asp)
Emerald Tree Monitor
Enchi Ball Python
Eyelash Viper
False coral snake
Fer-de-lance Snake
Firefly Ball Python
Flying Snake
Fox Snakes
Freshwater Crocodile
Frilled Lizard
Gaboon Viper
Galapagos Tortoise
Garter Snake
Gila Monster
Glass Lizard
Golden Lancehead
Gopher Snake
Gopher Tortoise
Grass Snake
Great Plains Rat Snake
Green Anaconda
Green Anole
Green Mamba
Green Rat Snake
Green Tree Python
Ground Snake
Harlequin Coral Snake
Hognose snake
Hook-Nosed Sea Snake
Horned Adder
Horned Lizard
Horned Viper
Indian Cobra
Indian Star Tortoise
Indigo Snake
Jackson’s Chameleon
Jamaican Boa
Japanese rat snake   
King Cobra
Kirtland’s snake
Komodo Dragon
Lazarus Lizard
Leaf-Tailed Gecko
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Lemon Blast Ball Python
Leopard Gecko
Leopard Lizard
Leopard Tortoise
Madagascar Tree Boa
Mangrove Snake
Marine Iguana
Mexican Alligator Lizard
Mexican Black Kingsnake
Mexican Mole Lizard
Midget Faded Rattlesnake
Milk Snake
Mojave Ball Python
Mojave Rattlesnake
Monitor Lizard
Mozambique Spitting Cobra
Night Snake
Nile Crocodile
Northern Alligator Lizard
Northern Water Snake
Nose-Horned Viper
Oenpelli python
Olive Sea Snake
Ornate Box Turtle
Painted Turtle
Peringuey’s Adder
Philippine Cobra
Pied Ball Python
Pig-Nosed Turtle
Pine Snake
Pipe Snake
Puff Adder
Pygmy python
Queen Snake
Racer Snake
Radiated Tortoise
Rainbow Boa
Rat Snakes
Red Diamondback Rattlesnake
Red Tail Boa (common boa)
Red-Bellied Black Snake
Red-Eared Slider
Red-Footed Tortoise
Rhombic Egg-Eater Snake
Ribbon Snake
River Turtle
Rock Python
Rosy Boa
Rough Green Snake
Rubber Boa
Russian Tortoise
San Francisco Garter Snake
Sand Lizard
Sand Viper
Satanic leaf-tailed gecko
Savannah Monitor
Scaleless Ball Python
Scarlet Kingsnake
Sea Snake
Sea Turtle
Sharp-Tailed Snake
Skink Lizard
Slow Worm
Snapping Turtle
Snouted Cobra
Southern Black Racer
Southern Hognose Snake
Southern Pacific Rattlesnake
Speckled Kingsnake
Spider Ball Python
Spider-Tailed Horned Viper
Spiny Hill Turtle
Spitting Cobra
Spotted python
Stiletto Snake
Sulcata Tortoise
Super Pastel Ball Python
Texas Blind Snake
Texas Coral Snake
Texas Indigo Snake
Texas Night Snake
Texas Rat Snake
Texas Spiny Lizard
Thorny Devil
Tiger Rattlesnake
Tiger snake
Timber Rattlesnake (Canebrake Rattlesnake)
Tree Snake
Twig Snake
Urutu Snake
Vine Snake
Virgin Islands Dwarf Gecko
Water Dragon
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Western Hognose Snake
Western Rat Snake
Whiptail Lizard
Woma Python
Wood Turtle
Worm Snake
Yellow Anaconda
Yellow Cobra
Yellow Spotted Lizard